




















徐赟:教师何以为“ 教育实践者” :实践哲学视域中教师专业角色的审思与拓展


教师的“教育实践者”身份是长期被学界忽视的一个命题。它既是破解教育理论与教育实践关系困境的前提,也是教师专业角色定位的基础。基于实践哲学的历史进路,从实践的内涵出发去探求教师专业角色,则不难发现,现实中存在着作为“教育制作者” 的教师和作为“ 教育实践者” 的教师。“ 教育制作者”注重教育目的的外在功利性,注重教育过程的生产性,注重技能之知。教师要真正做一个“ 教育实践者”,则要回归教育的内在目的,面向教育过程的行动性,主动探究实践之知。




















































Xiao Wen, Hu Juan:Early prediction of MOOC dropout in self-paced students using deep learning


To address three issues identified in previous research this study proposes a clustering-based MOOC dropout identification method and an early prediction model based on deep learning. The MOOC learning behavior of self-paced students was analyzed, and two well-known MOOC datasets were used for analysis and validation. The findings are as follows: Firstly, the dropout rate among self-paced students in MOOCs exceeds 90%, with over 50% of students participating in online learning activities for only one day.

Shuanghu Fang, Iqra Mushtaque:The Moderating Role of Health Literacy and Health Promoting Behavior in the Relationship Among Health Anxiety, Emotional Regulation, and Cyberchondria

Psychology Research and Behavior Management202415

Background: People are increasingly turning to the internet to find answers to their health concerns in an era where there is a wealth of online health information,which frequently causes increased health anxiety and the phenomenon known as cyberchondria. The objectives of this study were to examine the moderating role of health literacy and health promotion behavior and the mediating role of emotional regulation between health anxiety and cyberchondria among the Pakistani population.

Mehdi Hassan, Shuanghu Fang, Muhammad Rizwan, Asma Seemi Malik, Iqra Mushtaque:Impact of Financial Stress, Parental Expectation and Test Anxiety on Role of Suicidal Ideation: A Cross-Sectional Study among Pre-Medical Students

International Journal of Mental Health Promotion202425

This study examined the effects of financial stress, parental expectation and test anxiety on suicidal ideation in pre-medical students. For this purpose, a cross-sectional research design was used, and data were collected through a non-probability sampling technique. The findings of the study emphasize the importance of implementing preventative measures to address the mental health issues faced by pre-medical students, with the ultimate goal of creating an environment conducive to their comprehensive development and academic success.

Mingjie Huang, Shuanghu Fang:Mechanisms of Self-Control in the Influence of Moral Elevation on Pro-Social Behavior:A Study Based on an Experimental Paradigm

Psychology Research and Behavior Management2024214

Introduction: Because the mechanisms by which moral elevation triggers an individual's pro-social behavior remain unclear, this study examined the mediating role of self-control resources in the relationship between moral elevation and pro-social bchavior. Methods: Experiment I examined the effects of moral elevation on self-control resources using two task paradigms, the Stroop task and the Go/NoGo task, with 80 college students as study participants. Experiment 2 was conducted with an additional 140 college students, using both experimental and questionnaire methods to examine the mediating role of self-control resources in the effects of moral elevation on pro-social bchavior.

Jian Jin, Siyun Liu:The influences of narrative perspective shift and scene detail on narrative semantic processing

Language and Cognition202431

The embodied view of semantic processing holds that readers achieve reading comprehen- sion through mental simulation of the objects and events described in the narrative. However, it remains unclear whether and how the encoding of linguistic factors in narrative descriptions impacts narrative semantic processing. This study aims to explore this issue under the narrative context with and without perspective shift, which is an important and common linguistic factor in narratives. A sentence-picture verification paradigm combined with eye-tracking measures was used to explore the issue.

Zining Wang, Lina, Zhang, Bin Xuan: Age-related Chinese word recognition across different AoA and parts of speech

Current Psychology202463

The cognitive ability of older adults declines with age, while the language processing experience becomes more abundant. Word recognition is one of the most fundamental abilities in language processing, but how the interaction of cognitive aging and language experience affects word recognition in older adults is still a complex issue. This study focuses on the influence of two factors, age of acquisition (AoA) and parts of speech on Chinese word recognition in older adults.

Wen Sheng, Shuanghu Fang:Impact of Moral Elevation on College Students' Sense of Meaning of Life: The Mediating Roles of Gratitude and Perceived Social Support

Psychology Research and Behavior Management2024313

Purpose: The current study examined the association between moral elevation and college students’ sense of meaning of life, along with the potential mediating effects of gratitude and perceived social support on this relationship.

Methods: Using the convenience sampling method, the Moral Elevation Scale, the Sense of Meaning of Life Questionnaire, the Gratitude Questionnaire, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support were used to conduct questionnaire surveys on1088 college students (Mapo=19.59 years, SD=1.46). SPSS25.0 data statistics software was used to analyze the data, and the PROCESS macro for SPSS was used to conduct the mediation effect test.

Ming Zhang, Chenru Chi, Qingwei Liu, Ningying Zhou, Zhiging Zhou, Xiubin Tao, Bin Xuan, Huan Liu:Prevalence and associated factors of insomnia symptoms after ending China's dynamic zero-COVID policy: a cross-sectional survey of frontline nursing staff in Chinese hospitals

Frontiers in Public Health202463

Background:After the Chinese government announced the end of the dynamic zero-COVID policy on January 8, 2023, the COVID-19 pandemic peaked. Frontline nursing staff are at high risk of infection transmission due to their frequent contact with COVID-19 patients. In addition, due to the ending of China’s dynamic zero-COVID policy, frontline nursing staff have grappled with increased workload, fatigue, and more. This study aimed to explore the prevalence of insomnia symptoms in frontline nursing staff and its influencing factors following the end of the policy.

Shuanghu Fang, Dongyan Ding, Mingjie Huang, Qilin Zheng:Chinese version of the simplified psychological flexibility scale-6 (C-Psy-Flex): Study of its psychometric properties from the perspective of classical test theory and network analysis

Child Abuse & Neglect2024426

Existing measures of psychological flexibility have demonstrated certain limitations, highlighting the critical need for the development of a more comprehensive assessment tool that encompasses all facets of psychological flexibility. In response to this necessity, we have developed the 6-item Psychological Flexibility Scale (C-Psy-Flex) as a concise instrument designed to evaluate individuals' psychological flexibility comprehensively.

Zhendong Wan, Sisong Li, Shuanghu Fang:The Effect of Negative Physical Self on Social Anxiety in College Students:The Bidirectional Chain Mediation Roles of Fear of Negative

Evaluation and Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy

Psychology Research and Behavior Management2024520

Purpose: The detrimental effects of social anxiety on college students require urgent mitigation. To explore the influencing factors and underlying mechanisms of social anxiety among college students, this study aims to examine the relationship between negative physical self and social anxiety, and the mediating effects of fear of negative evaluation and regulatory emotional self-eflicacy. Methods: The Negative Physical Self Scale, Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale, and Interaction Anxiousness Scale were administered to 924 Chinese college students. SPSS 26.0 was used for analysis, and the Bootstrap method was used to test the significance level of the mediating effect.

Ming Zhang, Chenru Chi, Qingwei Liu, Yuhao Zhang, Xiubin Tao, Huan Liu, Bin Xuan:Prevalence of smartphone addiction and its relation with psychological distress and internet gaming disorder among medical college students

Frontiers in Public Health202463

Background:The incidence of smartphone addiction has been widely studied, but the research on the relationship between smartphone addiction and psychological distress and internet gaming disorder is limited. This study investigated the characteristics and prevalence of smartphone addiction and its relation with psychological distress and internet gaming disorder. Furthermore, it provides the scientific basis for intervention measures in schools, families, and society.

Shuanghu Fang , Mingjie Huang, Dongyan Ding, Qilin Zheng:The Chinese version of the multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory short form (MPFI-24): Assessment of psychometric properties using classical test theory and network analysis

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science2024714

The purpose of this study was to validate the Chinese version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory ( C-MPFI-24) for use in China, taking into account cultural differences, using classical test theory and network analysis. Participants were Chinese university students, middle school students, university teachers, and medical professionals, totaling 3568 valid respondents from an initial pool of 3800. A retest was conducted one month later with 350 university students.

Peiqian Wu:Beyond metacognition: The dominant role of the general factor of personality in learning adaptation


The notions of metacognition and ego-resiliency seem to commonly represent an ability to adaptively adjust self-control to fit the requirements of environments. The latter presents a general mechanism of adaptive adjustment while the former presents a specific example of learning activity. As ego-resiliency was almost fully indicated by the General Factor of Personality (GFP) as the literature suggested, the present study tested the relationship between the GFP and metacognition and then compared their influences on learning adaptation.


Congrong Shi, Wenke Chen, Xiayu Du, Zhihong Ren:Content specificity of threat-related attentional bias in health anxiety: evidence from computational modelling

Current Psychology202481

To examine the content specificity of threat-related attentional bias in health anxiety, we applied the drift-diffusion model (DDM) to investigate attentional bias toward three types of threat stimuli (general threat, illness, and symptom words). We recruited 53 undergraduates with severe health anxiety (the health anxiety group, HAG) and 53 controls (the control group, CG) to complete the dot-probe task. We calculated traditional bias scores and non-decision time (a DDM parameter) bias scores, and they were subjected to a 2 (Group: HAG, CG) x 3 (Threat: general threat, illness, and symptom words) mixed-design ANOVA.

Yantong Zhu, Gengli Zhang , Shuwei Zhan, Tokie Anme:Longitudinal effects of parental adverse childhood experiences on offspring problematic media use: The serial mediating role of psychological distress and harsh discipline

Child Abuse & Neglect202485

Background: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) may lead to increased problematic media use (PMU). However, whether parental adverse childhood experiences predict offspring PMU, and the mediating roles of psychological distress and harsh discipline, two common mechanisms underlying the intergenerational transmission of parental ACEs, in this relationship have not been examined in Chinese samples.

Zengyan Lu, Yangjin Li, Zhihao Yan, Qingsong Sang, Wenqiang Sun:The Effect of Perceived Stress on Insomnia Symptoms Among College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model

Psychology Research and Behavior Management2024820

Background: College students’ insomnia symptoms is a topic of growing interest and studies have begun to explore the factors that influence college students’ insomnia symptoms. This study investigated the relationship between perceived stress and college students’ insomnia symptoms, as well as the chain mediating roles of fear of missing out and mobile phone dependence, and the moderating roles of environmental sensitivity.

Chun Xia, Jia Xu, Jiaxing Cheng, Yongmei Hou:The impact of information overload on the information avoidance of medical staff: The moderating and mediating roles of job performance and time pressure

Computers in Human Behavior Reports2024827

This study aims to explore whether social media information overload affects medical staff’s information avoidance behavior and the extent to which time pressure mediates and job performance moderates this relationship. We analyze survey data on 586 medical staff from 11 hospitals in China using bootstrapping. The results demonstrate that medical staff’s social media information overload has a significant positive effect on their information avoidance behavior and that time pressure plays a partial mediating role.

Jingchao Yi, Bin Xuan:Association between autistic traits and sleep quality among Chinese junior high school students: The chain mediating roles of selfcontrol and mindfulness

Psychology in the Schools202497

To explore the relationships between autistic traits, self control, mindfulness, and sleep quality, and the mechanism underlying these relationships, we recruited a sample of 972 junior high school students who completed a survey consisting of the Chinese version of the Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventoryshort form, SelfControl Scale, Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure, and Sleep Condition Indicator. In conclusion, enhancing levels of self control and mindfulness is essential for improving sleep quality among junior high school students with high levels of autistic traits.

Yantong Zhu, Gengli Zhang, Shuwei Zhan:Association of parental adverse childhood experiences with offspring sleep problems: the role of psychological distress and harsh discipline

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health202499

Background Sleep problems are common in early childhood and may be affected by parental adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). However, few studies have examined the longitudinal effect of parental ACEs on offspring sleep problems and the underlying mechanism. This study examined parents’ psychological distress and harsh discipline (psychological aggression and corporal punishment) as mediators in the longitudinal pathway from parental ACEs to offspring sleep problems.

Chun Xia, Jia Xu:Sense of medical care policy alienation: conceptualization, scale development, and validation

Current Psychology2024911

Although medical care policy affects utilization of medical care resources, most existing research focuses on the impact of effectiveness of medical care insurance coverage on people’s behavior. We argue that psychological distance from medical care policy is important in shaping people’s behavior, leading to a sense of policy alienation from the medical care policy field (SPA-M). We conceptualized SPA-M and developed, validated, and evaluated a scale to assess it. We reviewed the definition of SPA-M and created the item pool for the SPA-M scale with item generation process.

Minna Guo, Beibei Xu, Haiyao Wang, Thi Quynh Mai Le, Zhihao Yan, Qingsong Sang:Adult attachment and dehumanization among Chinese college students: trait attachment and state attachment perspectives

Frontiers in Psychology2024919

Introduction: Current social issues such as bullying, online violence, and local conflicts are all prominent topics in the field of psychology and linked to dehumanization. However, research on dehumanization from a non-Western background has been rare. As a key factor influencing individual behavior, attachment has not been sufficiently integrated into studies on dehumanization. Therefore, this study provides empirical evidence to explore the relationship between adult attachment (both trait and state) and dehumanization. The sample consisted of college students from China.

Congrong Shi, Ying Wu, Hongrui Wei, Yang Xiao, Xiaohui Lv, Zhihong Ren:Dropout From Psychological Interventions for Pathological Health Anxiety: A Three-Level Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy2024103

This study aimed to provide the first comprehensive evidence on the prevalence and predictors of dropout in psychological interventions for pathological health anxiety. A database search in Web of Science, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials identified 28 eligible randomized controlled trials (40 intervention conditions; 1783 participants in the intervention condition), published up to 18 June 2024.

Yongxiang xie, Jun He: The Health Cost of College Expectations: Adolescent Educational Expectations and Obesity

Youth & Society2024104

Although previous studies have identified the effect of social environment and individual behavior on adolescent obesity in the field of social science, much less is known about the association between adolescent educational expectations and obesity. This article draws on China Education Panel Survey (CEPS) 2013 to 2014 to examine the relationship between adolescent educational expectations and BMI/obesity. Results show that adolescents with college expectations have higher BMI and higher risk of obesity. The findings indicate that higher educational expectations may lead to health problems. School and family should perceive the health cost of high educational expectations to promote adolescent all-around development.

Jing Wang, Shuanghu Fang:The Mechanism Behind Mothers Negative Parenting Style On College

Students’ Emotional Health


This study aims to investigate the mechanisms underlying parenting styles on college student’s mental health. 935 college students aged 19–21 years were surveyed using the short-form of Egna Minnen Betraffande Uppfostran (S-EMBU), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21), and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2nd Edition (AAQ-II), to examine the effects of parenting styles on negative emotions in college students and the mediating effect of experiential avoidance.

Congrong Shi, Xiayu Du, Wenke Chen, Zhihong Ren:Predictive roles of cognitive biases in health anxiety: A machine learning approach

Stress and Health20241010

Prior work suggests that cognitive biases may contribute to health anxiety. Yet there is little research investigating how biased attention, interpretation, and memory for health threats are collectively associated with health anxiety, as well as the relative importance of these cognitive processes in predicting health anxiety. This study aimed to build a prediction model for health anxiety with multiple cognitive biases as potential predictors and to identify the biased cognitive processes that best predict individual differences in health anxiety. These findings underscore the central role of illness related interpretation bias and suggest that combined cognitive bias modification may be a promising method for alleviating health anxiety.

Zhendong Wan, Yifu Chen, Lijun Wang, Mengfei Cheng:The Relationship Between Interparental Conflict and Social Anxiety Among Chinese College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model

Psychology Research and Behavior Management20241118

Purpose: Our aim is to construct a moderated mediation model for investigating the effect of interparental conflict on social anxiety, the potential mediating role of psychological resilience, the moderating effect of perceived social support on this association, and the gender difference among Chinese college students. Methods: This cross-sectional survey was conducted on 1343 Chinese college students from Anhui Province, Hunan Province, Jiangsu Province, and Henan Province, China, in March 2024.

Chen Chen, Wei Hu, Xiaomin Wei:From anxiety to action: exploring the impact of artificial intelligence anxiety and artificial intelligence self-efficacy on motivated learning of undergraduate students

Interactive Learning Environments20241217

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, while empowering higher education, has also introduced anxiety and stress among university students. This study examines the impact of AI anxiety on motivated learning and the moderating role of AI selfefficacy. This study contributes to the existing literature and offers insights for the application of AI in higher education practice.

点击: 编辑:孟庆娟 预审:吴文涛 终审:许国飞 添加:孟庆娟 时间:2025-01-02